Saturday, July 11, 2015

Aleigha Butler-Small Business Spotlight

Tell me about yourself…My name is Aleigha Butler.  I am a mother, wife, author, motivator, consultant, internet radio host, and philanthropist.  I call myself a Purpose midwife because I love helping push people into their purpose.  I have now authored 3 books: 1)A Learning Book Just For Me - A bilingual singalong learning tool that teaches children foundational English and Spanish (available in paperback or hardback with a music CD).  2) On Fire To Inspire - A book of inspiration and encouragement to help push people into their purpose (It is available in paperback, audio CD, Kindle/Amazon). 3) Prayers, Affirmations, and Declarations - A book of prayers, affirmations, and declarations available in English & Spanish on Kindle and Amazon.

What motivates you to keep going? I am motivated by my passion and purpose to help people pursue their purpose.  There are too many people sitting on their gifts, dreams and goals.  It's time to stop existing and start living the life that God gave us.

Do you feel your life is balanced between your personal and professional life? Yes, I can get overwhelmed with the business side because it is truly a love and passion.  I have to know when to cut it off because I will work with clients and projects for hours on end.  With anything, you have to have balance or someone (or something) will be neglected.  For workaholics, it's usually their family that is neglected. 

What advice would you give to an aspiring entrepreneur? There is something on the inside of you that you truly yearn to do or to be.  Trust God, research and pursue it.  Learn from others that are doing it and start moving.  Work daily toward your goal.  One small task and step at a time will produce so much in the end.

What’s your favorite social media platform?  I've been most successful in building my platform on Facebook thus far; however, my Twitter is really growing.  I am getting more comfortable with it. 

What book are you currently reading or would recommend to fellow entrepreneurs? I would recommend reading Think and Grow Rich by Napeleon Hill.  That is what all the greats have recommended.

What’s your favorite app? Facebook app is one.  I like YouTube as well becauase you can research and hear inspirational songs and words at any time of day.

What's your favorite Podcast account name? I just joined the HisHeartNetwork on blogtalkradio.  My show airson Tuesday evenings at 8pm.  I am also a fan of many other inspirational and motivational shows: Dr. ReneeSunday, Charles Clark, Joyce White.

What’s your favorite Entrepreneur website/blog to visit? helps you stay on top of trends and keeps you informed as a small business owner. 

What’s your favorite quote? I have 2 that I love from Oprah Winfrey: The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.  - Oprah Winfrey   When your life is on course with its purpose, you are the most powerful. - Oprah Winfrey

Support and stay connected with Aleigha with the links below: 

Social media accounts:
Twitter @authoraleigha
LinkedIn AleighaButler Butler

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