Saturday, January 10, 2015

You are Your Brand

A lot people do not realize that they are a walking Billboard. Even if you do not own a business so to speak, you are still your brand. When people see you, they see your brand. For instance, if you’re a makeup artist and you never wear makeup. People are going to be very hesitant to go to you for services because you’re not a walking billboard like some who wears makeup often (especially if that person’s makeup looks amazing). Another example is someone who is a fashion stylist. However, looks a mess all of the time. Would you want someone styling you if they can’t even keep themselves together? Think about it…

It is also very important that while you’re in business that you do not want to be known for gossiping about people. Again, you are your brand. Would you want to do business with someone that gossips about all of their clients or partners? Be very, mindful of what you say to people and what you say about people.

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